Trust me, I've seen entrepreneurs struggle big time with building their brand from scratch, especially when they're trying to juggle a gazillion other things that come with running a business.

I started Hatched because I spotted a gap in the entrepreneur world. I had this idea that there could be a more relaxed and less overwhelming way to get your brand up and running when you're just starting out.

My main aim? To guide you in building up your business foundations, figuring out your brand strategy, and developing an identity that’s uniquely you.

I want to help you create a brand experience that draws in the right audience like a magnet, and helps you grow a successful business that you can't help but be proud of.

I have a taste for clean lines, neutral color palettes and caramel macchiatos. I started all this because I believed I could take some of the stress out of launching a well-branded business with confidence.

aka your branding BFF

Kelbey McGhee


It’s building a brand that you feel confident in.

It’s more than just good design.

guiding female-led brands since 2019

founder, brand strategist & designer

Hatched Design Co empowers budding entrepreneurs with tailor-made, deeply-rooted brand strategies that foster genuine connections & boost business confidence.


how can I help?

real quick

has been in business for years but never took the time to properly brand your business

is serious about leveling up their online presence with cohesive visuals

wants to show up professionally from the get go and has no clue what your brand needs or how to figure that out

trying to scale a successful business without a clear brand strategy

If you are someone who...